Holistic Care 全人照護

Pelvic Floor & Orthopedic Physical Therapy in Shanghai &

in the Comfort of Your Home


Our Prices 價格

  • ¥1,650 per session 每次¥1,650元

  • ¥1,650 for single visit 每次¥1,650元

    ¥11,880 for 8-session package 八次套餐¥11,880元

  • ¥1,200 for single visit 每次¥1,200元

    ¥6,000 for 6-session package 六次套餐¥6,000元

WHO I AM 我是谁

Hi! I’m Dr. Shimeng Gao and I specialize in pelvic floor and orthopedic physical therapy with a unique yoga mindfulness approach, supporting all genders with pains and dysfunctions.


I received my doctorate education from Mount St. Mary’s University in Los Angeles and I am a California Board certified physical therapist. I have also been teaching yoga for over 10 years and providing yoga teacher trainings through Yoga Alliance. Growing up in my mom’s yoga studio, I strive to integrate western evidence-based physical therapy science with eastern yoga philosophy and mindfulness.


If you are experiencing urinary leakage or low back pain, if you are an active sports lover and seeking personalized guidance on return to exercise safely postpartum, if you have testicular pain and butt numbness, if you are a peri-menopausal women with osteoporosis or osteopenia seeking guidance on exercise to strengthen your bones, or if you have abs separation lifting your baby…YOU are in the right place.


My Approach 特色診療方式

  • 1:1 Individualized Care 個性化治療

    I spend 60-75 minutes one-on-one to optimally assess, treat, and maximize your wellness and healing potential. I spend the time to truly discover the root cause of your symptoms and create an individualized physical therapy plan to help you reach your goals. You will no longer feel rushed during your appointment!


  • Whole Body Approach 全人照護方案

    I take on a whole body approach aimed to optimize your overall wellness and lifestyle, and prevent future injuries. I deeply understands how all the body systems are connected, aiming to optimize not only our musculoskeletal system, but also your lymphatic, nervous, and digestive systems.


  • Convenient and True 省時省力、身歷其境

    Online in-home therapy is unique because not only is it convenient, I am able to evaluate and assess in your true day-to-day environment. I design creative exercise programs with the tools and equipment you have at home.


Testimonials 患者心得分享

  • “I was told that I would need a surgery and at least 3-6 months to recover. But Dr. Shimeng helped me to break the record in 4 weeks without surgery!” ”當時醫院告知我需要進行手術,且恢復期為3-6個月。我選擇保守治療方案(沒有手術),跟著高博士進行物理治療。神奇的是,我只用了4周時間,就恢復球隊訓練!“

    Current CBA player / 現任CBA職業聯賽球員

  • “I've done my pre and postnatal therapy with Dr. Shimeng for my first birth. She made me feel a lot less anxious of giving birth through customized training tailored to my physical condition. " “懷第一胎時,我跟著高博士進行懷孕期和產後康復訓練。很慶幸能遇到她,一對一的個性化方案、因應不同周期而調整的訓練内容,讓我身體越來越能適應改變,也讓我大大減少了妊娠焦慮~”

    Xue / 小雪

  • “I felt so lucky to have met Shimeng during my 3rd trimester. Her manual skills helped me to release so much of my low back and pubic symphysis pain. " “能在第三妊娠期認識高老師真的太幸運了!高老師的手法解決了困擾我許久的下背痛和恥骨聯合痛!”

    Anne / 安

  • “Dr. Gao is very patient towards my rehab process. Her practical and individualized approach really helped me to gain back my confidence on the court. " “感謝康復路上有高博士。她的治療方案能切中要害、根據我的實際情況,隨時去做改動。最重要的是,也讓我在傷後康復逐步找回自信,再次回到賽場!”

    Current CBA player / 現任CBA職業聯賽球員

Blog 博客

Q & A for the First Appointment?