Do I Have Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?

The Cozean Screening Protocol was developed to help patients (and their physicians) screen for pelvic floor dysfunction.  Take the questionnaire below; if you score 3 or more pelvic floor dysfunction is highly likely and you'd benefit from an evaluation with a pelvic floor physical therapist.

The Cozean 篩查表是一個簡單的盆底功能障礙篩查方式,讓個人(或其醫療人員)快速完成以瞭解自己是否有盆底健康問題。您可以自行完成並提交以下篩查表;如果10個問題答案中,有3個或以上的“是”,建議您進一步預約盆底物理治療哦!


Cozean Pelvic Health Screening Questionnaire

This 10-question survey was shown to correctly identify more than 90% of patients with confirmed pelvic floor dysfunction. You can always talk with a qualified pelvic floor physical therapist if you have any questions about your pelvic health.

*Please use the link below if you can’t submit the questionnaire via this website.

